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Bachmann 36-034 Disc Wheels & Romford JR3 12mm Wheels

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  • 2 months later...

You've probably sussed this out already but I'd say yes, they'd be fine. I fitted 36-015 3 holes to Cambrian Mermaids/Catfish with shouldered bearings and they're a perfect fit....as good as the Romfords so without measuring I'd say the Bachmann axles are 26/25mm and the same diameter.


    Bachmann 3 holes look a lot better than the Romford/Markits in BR stock but are hard to come by. Does anyone know if Romford still produce wheelsets or is it Markits now? I've had several Romford 10.5mm wheelsets on order with Kernow since summer. I e-mailed them recently to ask if they were still being produced and they told me that Romford were having production difficulties but they'd received some other wheels sets from them so hang fire. I read elsewhere that Romford were bought out by Markits so I don't know. Markits want £2 per axle but Kernow have the out of stock Romfords for 84p per axle.....don't know whether to cancel the order. Wheels are rare these days.



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