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Boostfine Yard - 2mm shunting puzzle

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Had I known about this sub-forum when I started posting about my layout Boostfine Yard I'd have posted it in here rather than the main "Layout Topics" forum.


Anyway, it can be found here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/74270-boostfine-yard-formerly-industrial-shunting-puzzle/ and I hope is of interest to you fellow micro-layouters. Do please feel free to comment or advise - scroll to the end for the interesting stuff, such as computer control via JMRI, a few building shots, and a couple of views of a London Transport interloper...


All the wood for it came from a single piece of 1220 x 660mm MDF and measures just 850mm x 200mm. Does that count as micro around these parts? I think so. I'm contemplating exhibiting it, has anyone else experience of exhibiting a micro layout?


I have to say I love the APA boxes. If only I'd read this forum before I started...


Nice to meet you all,






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Thanks Gra,


The scenery is still a work in progress, but the track is fully down and all electrics complete - including the ability to plug a computer via USB and a second walkabout controller in the rear so it can be controlled from behind as well as from the panel built into the front.


Yes, all buildings have been kit-bashed from the Kestrel 2mm factory building or scratch-built. It's my first attempt at any of this (well, for the last 20yrs that is!). The paintwork is all just a first-coat really, all the buildings and scenery will be gone over again at a later date.


Now the buildings are more or less complete I'm after ideas for scenery in the foreground. Ground clutter, that sort of thing. Suggestions?

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Morning all,


Thanks to a visit to the Romford show on Saturday and a day in the garage on Sunday there was good progress on Boostfine Yard this weekend - the other post has plenty of new photos.


I can neither confirm nor deny that there may be photos of a grounded van courtesy of Gra's advice...



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I take a small roundy roundy to put beside my shunting micro at exhibitions. It lets me keep something moving, otherwise viewers wander away between movements. It's also useful if someone buys a loco and wants to try it out.


- Richard.

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Thanks Daniel. There's more in the main thread that I link to in the first post, so I don't want to double up.

I thought I'd share it here as for some reason I don't think people have been so quick to pick up on the construction there. But for us micro-ers I hope people feel it's worthy of sharing. I've added quite a lot of stuff that is overkill really, it uses tortoise point motors, CBUS control architecture (so everything is interlocked etc) and can be controlled from either a computer or the control panel on the front. I've also replaced all the couplings as well so I can achieve hands-free shunting. Easier said than done in N!


My attempts at scratchbuilding / kit-bashing are a bit hit and miss to be honest, I was hoping they'd have come out a bit better. That said, it was a first attempt.


Richard & Steam-Julie, thanks for the exhibiting tips, most appreciated. The shuttle across the back of the layout was built really for exhibiting in mind. It runs a class 121 across the back once every 30 seconds or so, hiding behind the bridge / warehouse at either end when not moving which I hope gives it the appearance of going somewhere. It will mean that there's always something going on, even if I have to nip to the bathroom or wish to talk to someone. I was planning on using the classic "draw 5 cards from 8" method of forming trains, so that at least every time I play the game the puzzle is different. It's strange though, I've spent so long building the layout that I've not actually had a chance to play with it yet! My next job once the buildings are finished and ground cover is more advanced is to fine-tune the couplings so I really can use it hands-free...

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Well Boostfine Yard made its first ever exhibition appearance at the weekend and amazingly it all passed off without a hitch!


I really enjoyed the experience, and made a conscious effort to do more talking than train driving. This really paid off, with many conversations with people who were familiar with the railways of East London and who all said it had been captured well. I learned a great deal - including the fact that even my lurid Fyffes banana wagon wasn't out of place, there used to be a Fyffes depot a few miles up the line at Goodmayes! Talking to people really made the time fly and I found it fascinating. 


I think having a few books and a small presentation running on the screen and a couple of chairs to sit on helped too. The shuttle ran flawlessly throughout, completing 1,577 journeys over the two days, which is equivalent to 104 scale miles! The points and running in the yard worked very nicely too, I was able to get pretty decent low-speed running, but the couplings were still not working reliably so I didn't attempt to do any shunting. I found I didn't need to though, there was more than enough on display to talk about and generally people were more than happy to sit and chat while the shuttle went back and forth.


Overall I really enjoyed the experience, and I hope that the public and members of Basildon MRC appreciated my efforts too.


Here are some (poor quality thanks to the dodgy lighting) photos of the w/e, including my nephew who turned up to "help" on Sunday. We all loved it.


All loaded up and ready to go!



Overall view - poor lighting making everything appear more yellow. Next time I'll bring a tablecloth too!



Little helper enjoying himself!


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