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Blog- Petes Model workshop (or ramblings from the balcony) - GWR 850 CLASS (17)

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Started on the rebuilding of the frames today.


Why do things that worked before stripping down fail to work on rebuilding? It is just so annoying. I was more fussy then usual with getting it all to work prior to painting.


The motor and gears now run smoothly again, with rewashering. The compensation needed a little tweaking to operate properly. The dummy valve gear to me looks good now it is painted and back inbetween the frames.






I did check to make sure the frames still went into the body alright. It was always a bit tight with the vacuum pipes etc in the way. I am pleased so far. I just want to get the pickups fitted and get it all running sweetly before I finish off the body.




So why did I bother with all the stuf between the frames? I know on some locos there is a lot of daylight to fill but not here. Well, At least it it adds some adhesion weight.


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