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Does this look like enough clearence?


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Now my main loops pretty much sorted in terms of baseboard/track laying I'm looking at the next part of the layout which will be an 8ft x 2ft container yard.


To get from the main loop round to the yard the track drops below the main loop.






From these two photo's does the clearance look OK? There's no issues with the wagon's fitting etc I just don't want it to look silly. It doesn't have to be a millimeter perfect model but I do want it to look realistic as possible.





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Thanks for the reply and apologies for the poor pics.


They are sat on track and I'm not using any underlay so thats the height they'd be running at. I think theres 75mm from the top of the bottom baseboard to the bottom of the top one.





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Anything over 60 mm rail to bottom of over bridge should be fine for UK unless you want overhead wires.   If you get tight for space yo can go down to 55 mm approx though old Hornby Kings and Gaiety Panniers get marginal and if you are rally tight for space consider thinning the track base, rails soldered to a sheet of PCB without sleepers can save around 10 mm  and give something something like 2 1/2 " 65 mm between track levels with adequate clearance, 

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No. We have trouble fitting single stack ones through the restricted loading gauge we have sometimes...

I believe that it has been trialled on HS1 (the London to Folkstone/Paris Eurostar/Eurotunnel link) but I'm not too sure - anyone got any info on this?

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