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Aux output mode for carriage lights


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I'm not sure whether this should be in here or the DCC Sound section, but I'll try here first.

I have a LoKsound decoder in a Bachmann class 150 (00 Gauge) and have fitted internal lights. I have programmed the lights to be turned on and off by Function 14 & Function 15; each one for each coach, ie Aux. outputs 1 & 2. Function F14 works fine , on and off, but Function F15 is momentary, ie if I press the F15 button the light comes on, but goes off when I let go of the button. Im sure I read how to change this, but cannot remember now how. Would be most grateful for any advice.  Many thanks in advance. 



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You're spot on. I've just done a quick web search for the Lenz controller manual and the phrase to look for is Latching and non-latching function settings.  The MoM menue sets the functions to latching & Non-latching (Momentary).


Many thanks


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