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Blog- ZwieselDave's L&Y - From Small Room to Mega Space

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This entry needs to be read with the Hovis Theme Tune blasting away in the background.


I started my Model Railway days back in 1967/8, my grand parents lived in London, while I lived in Manchester well Rochdale really, and every school holidays I was put on the train at Manchester Pic and sent down to Euston where Grandma picked me up for the holidays, I used to wait till the weekends when Granddad would get out this Hornby Royal Mail set, I wasn't allowed to use it on my own, We would play all day with it, At home in Rochdale I only had a small bedroom room, I remember that i had a shelf space of abt 6ft x 2ft to do an end to end OO layout.


Then a few years later N Gauge came my way and it doubled my world but I never really got the same feeling as the OO Days, I got older and got married and after a while break from the hobby started to build a small N Gauge layout in a very small loft space where you could not stand up, it wasn't really ideal and I fell out with it and got bored.


In 1998 moved to Munich Germany to live and work, had a very large flat but the flat was rented so was very aware that anytime my job could change and I would have to move but built a Arnold German NGauge table top layout with a slight dip into DCC, and things like JMRI with my son. We didnt go back to England much in the 18 years living in Germany but a couple of years ago I had a Dads week ago with my son where we visited Bury Railway Museum K&WV Railway & York Railway Museum , Near the end of our trip my son who was now 16 chirped up and said he liked these English trains so we had a another trip back to Howarth and the K&WV. Now in Howarth is a superb Model Shop, like the ones when I was a kid that was a special place we went and had a look round when my Son spotted A Scotsman OO Set DCC Ready and chirped if he could have one for his birthday, Arhhh well what about when we get home how will you grow it and where, well One European Credit Crisis, I had moved on from being an IT Guy to running a small Pension in Zwiesel, Bavarian Forest National Park, and the house has two Massive Dry Cellars. We where both dreaming of wonderful things.


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