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Blog- St Ruth - Warley 2014

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Back home now after our outing to our local mega-show. After a few comments from other people beforehand I was a bit wary of exhibiting at Warley but really enjoyed it. For sure, the NEC is a huge venue and this brings with it extra aggravation particularly during setup and packing up and for sure it was stacked out with people on Saturday but there is stacks of space behind the layouts and the food is good, even if the queue was a bit long. It was also great to spend some time again with the other 2mm folks.


Here are a few 'behind the scenes' photos from Friday.



Driving my car into the hall was a new experience. Driving out again we had to drive along one of the main aisles so I got to see Clarendon and Leicester South from a new vantage point. I'm not sure that drive through model railway shows will catch on though although it does solve the rucksack issue.



There were white vans too. Especially worrying when they reverse up the aisle :O. I can't say that I'm a big fan of the lighting. It's not the camera. It really does look like this.



Testing testing... oh dear :O . Friday turned out to be not one of our better days with all of the points on the MPD board refusing to respond to the correct button (or in most cases any button at all). John and Ian spent quite some time with their heads in the control panel. Fortunately they managed to get it working again before we left, although it meant that we were there rather later than we had intended. Not the best start to a show but fortunately things improved from there and the layout was pretty reliable with only fairly minor annoyances during the show itself.


This morning a nice man called Mr Waterman interrupted our wheel cleaning to give us a plaque for the best modern image layout. Very pleasing given the standard of layouts at the show so thank you to whoever decides these things.


I've posted some pics of other layouts on the show thread...



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