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Martin Finney GWR Atbara kit


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I have just started a build of the Martin Finney kit for the GWR Atbara 4-4-0 tender loco.


So far I have completed the frames however I do have a problem as I am building the kit without instructions which have been lost long ago.


My main issue is on the front bogie and how the side control is constructed. If anyone can help with a copy of the instructions (bulldog, city or Atbara should be the same) or a photo of the underside of a completed loco that would be most appreciated.


I have attached a photo of the first evenings work.






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There will always be some pieces left over, as Martin usually designed in alternative fittings.


Be thankful you're not building the Dean Goods or T9 "blind": there are almost enough parts in those to build two engines from one kit.


Still not too late to contact Martin and order a fresh set of instructions. Once he's gone, he's gone.

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This evening's effort sees the cab fitted. The roof is only placed on at present. Next up the firebox.


I'll be watching this with interest as I've done a Finney Bulldog but there are some issues with it :scratchhead: . I've got an Aberdare awaiting my attention and I keep finding other projects to do first.


At least I've got some rolling bars now for the boiler, I over annealed the Bulldog one and it dents if you look at it :banghead: .



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Adrian, I would be interested to find out what issues you had with the bulldog as I am building the Atbara without instructions as I have none. The boiler and firebox on mine is another story, more of which I will share in the future once I have more to show.



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To be honest I don't remember all that well where I struggled. I seem to remember getting the double frames set up right was a bit awkward and I somehow managed to get the cab roof higher at the back than at the front. Fitting pick-ups was another headache. I ended up with top wipers on the driving wheels only curved up into the splashers and mounted on blocks of Copperclad on the underside of the footplate.


Mine is built using basic flexichas approach and I've not quite got it to sit level. As so often with 4-4-0s it has limited traction. Mine has a Portescap/RG4 fitted in the usual place. I filled the tapered part of the boiler barrel with lead shot but just sealed it in (no PVA). I later lined each side of the firebox with lead shot held in with diluted PVA. I know this can cause expansion problems but as it has a large open surface on the inside I'm hopeful that it won't cause any problems.


IIRC the boiler is etched to leave the boiler bands standing proud, This makes the metal very thin and easily distorted. Without rolling bars I expect that I tried rolling using various lengths of tube on a mousemat/carpet but could not get a tight enough curl so I heated the metal over the gas cooker and let it cool. I evidently overdid this as after rolling it was still quite soft and dents easily. I think I read of someone lining the boiler with a second layer to reduce this risk. I will not anneal the boiler on my Aberdare.


Here's a broadside shot.





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Adrian, the loco looks fantastic.


I see what you mean about the cab roof, I'm sure it could be adjusted without too much work although it might need the paintwork touching up.


The boiler looks great and it's the one part of the loco I'm most nervous about, even though I have invested in some rolling bars.


Is that the 2500 gallon tender?



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The first stages of the front bogie. The axle boxes are only placed on at present. You can see the side control made from 28swg spring steel wire which I hope works ok. Clearances are a bit tight so I hope it will go through the pointwork ok.





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Coming along nicely. Although they are complex Martin's kits do fit together beautifully, they just take care.


I think it is the 2,500 gal tender I chose, can't remember for certain. I know I built it with the box style water filler cover rather than the later dome. It was the smokebox section that I over annealed, the dents are on the other side.


The key was making sure everything was square across the ends of each section, then they all line up fine.



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Boiler almost ready to fit to the frames.


Not the easiest of jobs, even with a decent set of rolls. I did not anneal the wrapper so no fear of damage later.


The job was made harder as the kit I have is for the city, not the Atbara so I had to make a new firebox and reduce the diameter of the boiler wrapper as well.


Hopefully when installed and the fittings are on it should look ok.


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Was this the kit that sold on eBay for a shade over £150 with no instructions?

This was the kit, which worked out only a little more expensive than new as it also contained the inside motion kit. I shall be selling my K's bulldog shortly to fund this build. A 3500 gallon tender is on order from Martin Finney which will be the last before he retires.


Boiler complete and ready for fitting to the frames. I had to relocate the safety valve and top feed (may need a bit of filler later), add another couple of boiler bands but apart from that so far so good. Next up will be the smoke box saddle.


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This was the kit, which worked out only a little more expensive than new as it also contained the inside motion kit......

Thought as much.


A lot of us were watching it and wondering how high it would go in the end. You must have put in a huge proxy bid 'cos it seemed like the underbidder got nowhere near sniffing distance of you.

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Hopefully it will be worth it with the completed model, we shall see. What I really wanted was a curved frame bulldog.


I already have a train planned for it (toplights and a horse box tail load), and a place in the layout timetable (once I finish building the layout).


One day in a few years you may see it at your local exhibition.

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  • RMweb Gold



Here is a Martin Finney 4mm scale curved frame Bulldog for you.


This one is to P4 standards and was built for me by John James. Modelled on Maristow as she was in the early/mid 1920s. 247 Development plates, Ultrascale wheels, High Level Gearbox and Mashima motor. I have way too many kits, so John has built me a Finney Dean goods, this and and 1854 Pannier whilst I work on some other locos and things.





Edited by Craigw
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