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Dog training , FAIL .

Sidecar Racer

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My mum and dad do puppy walking for guide dogs there on there 17th dog to train. That looks about right for a golden retriever they've trained several and you always find one that forgets what the hell they should be doing normally when there's food involved

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It's a Lab what do you expect?

Well, a golden, but a Lab would do no differently and that dog in the clip certainly has lab features.


When my Lab (deceased for some years now) did a runner, she could be coaxed back inside with a banana. She loved bananas.


Golden Retrievers have a very high rate of cancers. I know one that was put down over the weekend - a very sweet dog.


This study is interesting.  They are trying to register 3,000 pure-bred golden retrievers and will do a lifetime study to collect a comprehensive data set to look for trends in canine cancers.

Sorry US only.

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Long ago, I was having lunch in a small cafe. At another table was a blind lady with a guide dog (labrador of course) in attendance. When they went to leave, the labrador led its charge confidently and unerringly behind the counter and into the kitchen, to the amused consternation of cafe staff :D.

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We lost our Golden Retriever, Harvey, to cancer (melanoma) five years back. Mind up you, he made 14, not bad for the breed. Lovely dogs but, yeah, given the choice of a sausage or obeying a command......

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