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Project HS 4000 "Kestrel"

Trainshed Terry

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  • RMweb Premium

There is a new Facebook Group started last night and has over 300 members as of this morning, it is a interesting venture and would be great to see this iconic locomotive re-born. 


So please go and have a look. I have the groups permission to post the site on here.    




Thank you for taken the time to have a look.

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There may be other sources for the Sulzer engine. I'm led to believe that some exist (or existed) in French diesel locomotives (which provided the source for Howes' recordings for their Kestrel DCC sounds), and also in some naval vessels.

Obviously, the exhaust and intake systems would differ but they could provide a starting point.

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There may be other sources for the Sulzer engine. I'm led to believe that some exist (or existed) in French diesel locomotives (which provided the source for Howes' recordings for their Kestrel DCC sounds), and also in some naval vessels.


Obviously, the exhaust and intake systems would differ but they could provide a starting point.



I have a suspision that the 16 cylinder Engine was also a prototype and unique to this locomotive, but sharing a few common parts with the 12 cylinder version as used in the French locomotives and class 48. Which means that apart from Class 47 bogies, if they want it anywhere near accurate the rest is pretty much going to have to be built from scratch!  And bearing in mind how much more a diesel locomotive costs to manufacture compared to steam, then a realistic budget would probably be about three times the final cost of Tornado....

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I must admit, though I would love to see this done as I remember the loco well, my 1st thought was 'not another one'. Quite simply, I honestly don't think it is a practical proposition; the loco was a one-off prototype so where would anyhing be sourced, apart from new manufacture? If only the original had been rescued just that short time ago....




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Do you have a link to that news, sounds interesting


No link and it's still a bit hush hush but here's a rough pic of two that were given some TLC in the Ukraine a few years ago, there were 4 tanks rebuilt in total and these started the fresh hunt for some more forgotten items


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  • RMweb Premium

The link in the original post asks me to log in. I'm not a facebooker. Any hope of seeing what they're up to?


I think that the web site is still under development and shall post the link as as it becomes available.


This is the response from the "Project Kestrel" Facebook Page". 


"Yes, the B.R.C.W website is having stuff added every day but I've had some problems getting the DNS settings to work as they should. I hope it will go live by the weekend."



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