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Can I run 00 rolling stock on Code 143 Rail ?

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I have been wondering about GN15 and have started a little research but need to know a little about model rails and wheel profiles / flanges etc.


Having done some measuring it would seem that Peco Code 143 rail is a pretty good match for scale 30lb rail which would be about right for what I have in mind. ( 1:22.5 )


The question is will 00 wheels ( locos and wagons / coach bogies ) run ok on suitably gauged (16.5) Peco code 143 FB rail


What do you think ?

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Historically, 15 inch gauge lines have tended to use a lighter rail than 30 lb/yard, and I suspect that you will find Code 143 rail looks overscale when you get close to completion of your layout and it is too late to change to anything smaller.


Code 100, while probably a little bit on the small size scale wise, is regularly used in OO gauge and works well, so you will have no problems with wheel/rail/check rail interfaces - and you can just use Peco Streamline in the fiddle yard.


I built a 12 mm gauge (representing a 20½ inch prototype) layout in 7mm scale last year and used Code 55 FB rail. Both rail and scale were approximately half of what you are proposing to use and the appearance is excellent - and would be even better with the relatively narrower track gauge that you are proposing.

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