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Are "fake' models a likelyhood I wonder

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Under UK law three dimensional designs are protected by "Design Right" rather than copyright, it lasts for 15 years from brining the design into the public domain and there are two types Registered (analagous to a patent) and Unregistered (analagous to copyright).It protects such things as appearance, surface decoration, methods of construction and shape except where it is necessary to fit to another article (for example a resin body to fit a proprietary chassis).


Further reading - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_right   http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/48/contents


Al the best



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In a similar vein, but not fakes per se, I found some nice N-scale containers from a new manufacturer at my local hobby store.

This is the manufacturer:http://czrolland.en.made-in-china.com/

and their product line is curious, to say the least.



Adrian, I visited the website and learnt a new word "Customerized", mmmmm interesting.

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I remember a documentary when the current 'bad guys' in Afghanistan, were the 'good guys' they were against the Russians.  An old guy was making AK47's from pieces of scrap metal using nothing more than hand tools.  Individual parts being filed and drilled to copy each individual part.  Whilst the finished product was unique in the tolerances of the parts it was fully functional.


Now if the same guy can make a replacement chassis from scrap brass for a Heljan 47 or Hornby 31, please put him in touch and I'll be his Marketing Manager in the UK.

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