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Roxey Planet


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I'm slowly getting this loco together. So far, a High Level Quad Driver and motor have been built, lovely bit of kit, 12 mm Gibson wheels and I'm fitting 22" Markits sprung buffers. They supply them ready to fit so no messing about with pesky springs. The buffer beams are very shallow so I'll get the footplate and all the other bits together first before I drill 3 mm holes to fit. Hopefully the 'beams won't split. Gently does I think. After the Christmas skirmish I'll get the Nonneminstre Planet as a stable mate. Try to get the High Level driver in that one. Then the Branchlines Tractor is on the list.Don't know what I can fit to that. Any ideas any one? I don't like Tenshodo's.  

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My Branchlines Muir Hill can be seen here and here. There's a link to my old workbench on one of those pics. Its a bit small... the only substitute for a spud in my opinion would be a scratchbuilt unit based on Tenshodo gears and a Nigel Lawton minimotor and drive belts. Brian Madge could possibly design and 3D print a drive unit, he's done similar bespoke drive units for O14. I believe that you're a member of NGRM, if so look at Dave's recent threads, a couple of his locos sit on Madge units.


The Roxey Planet builds into a nice loco, and I like the way the body and chassis are seperate, held together with two screws. Makes for easier painting.

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If the Muir Hill has a hollow bonnet, and I suspect that it has, it may be possible to fit a Quad Driver to it. As with the Planet, there would be some intrusion into the cab,but that can be disguised. A DCC chip would have to go under the roof, again like the Planet. Thinking sideways, it may be possible to fit a Nigel Lawson minimototor to the HighLevel gearbox?

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