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Level Crossings

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  • RMweb Premium

That has made my day - thanks for posting it!

The language is Romanian but I wonder where the level crossing is?  Lifting flaps are a great idea.

Lifting flaps are fine, but why doesn't the barrier cover all of the approach side? It simply encourages people to attempt to go around. 2 out of 10 for the designers of that.


The guy in the safety vest obviously believes that its going to protect him. He's a loony!

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There used to be a rising bollard on the Stonebow in York, to stop ordinary motorists contravening bus/taxi only areas of the city.  It was activated by a fob which was issued to buses and cab drivers.  Regrettably decommissioned because the council tried charging taxi drivers exorbitant fees for the fob, and they refused to pay.


I saw the bollard go through the engine compartment of a car that tried jumping the lights, a BMW from memory, must have been a right off.



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Lifting flaps are fine, but why doesn't the barrier cover all of the approach side? It simply encourages people to attempt to go around. 2 out of 10 for the designers of that.


The guy in the safety vest obviously believes that its going to protect him. He's a loony!

Agree, it seems odd that barriers don't cover both lanes of what is clearly a dual carriageway. That said, the flashing lights are flashing, visibility is clear, drivers in that country presumably know that there are lifting thingummies across the road etc etc…. but then, I understand that the level crossing is in Russia (anyone able to confirm that?) and if you have seen the standard of Russian driving as portrayed on YouTube then nothing surprises me!

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  • RMweb Premium

I would hazard a guess that in areas of high traffic, barriers closing across the whole road might actually pin vehicles in on the crossing, blocking their exit, if the driver enters the crossing before their exit is clear.

Yes, but in this case there are 2 lanes approaching the crossing and the barrier quite clearly leaves a gap to go around.

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Having been in a Romanian taxi several times I can verify that level crossing etiquette is fashioned by the same rules that govern Russian roulette


Oh and if a train does find a vehicle obstructing the crossing the driver will use the principle of inertia to remove offending vehicle


Other motorists will then assist to clear the crossing of debris to allow normal service


Scary. You bet it is



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