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Blog- Southern bliss' Blog - Help.. LSWR A12 Jubilee drawings

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Asking if anyone has or knows where I can get a drawing in 4mm scale of LSWR A12 Jubilee class loco.

Sadly by the time I got the money together to buy a kit,the manufacturer had called it a day and closed .

Have spent last 12 months searching for a kit on eBay and other sites but no luck.

So looking for drawing so as to have a go at scratch building one.

Any help welcomed.


Just before Christmas I received from Falcon brass works,two brass LSWR kits. One horsebox and a 4 wheel milk van.slowly getting them together,and they look good . First experience in doing brass kits.


When the wheather cools down a bit here (hot summer here in Australia) I have a line up of about twenty wagons awaiting painting and decals.

My Southern Railway expands.

Happy modelling


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