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Blog- Maurice's Blog - Quality Control and Critical Reflection.

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The problem with 'Critical Reflection' is that it will not leave you alone. I had decided on a compromise with the number of rivets, thinking it would too difficult to make them as close together as Beyer Peacock applied them.


Then there was the comment about computer design ... and some reflection on getting it right so I cut a new sheet of material for two sides with a margin for fixing in the riveter. With some calculations it was possible to do a re-run using the lateral and longitudinal carriages to space the rivets as required..... with out so much marking out.


The result on the first half of the two sides is a nicely riveted sheet that has now developed a bit of a bow as the material is being stretch rather more than on the earlier attempt.


One of the interesting parts of this game is that you don't really see the result until you have finished. So out came the small (dental) mirror I purchased some years ago on the railway station in Stuttgart, along with some other small tools, for no particular reason other than it looked as if it could be useful one day.


The sheet had to be removed from the riveter at this stage as it needed to be repositioned before the rest of the side could be in reach of the anvil.


I think it will be worth it if I can get the bow out without damaging the rivets!






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