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Retro Hornby Rule 1 Wagons


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  • RMweb Gold

Following discussions about the new grafitti Mk1 coach and mention of the less than real Hornby wagons of yesteryear, heres a few pics of the ones I have found from about 20 years ago.


The Red Arrows is a favourite of mine, and the Gamleys was a limited edition. The white plastic has faded a bit but the rest of the wagons are OK.















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I've got one of the Red Arrows vans, slightly altered to make it look a bit more prototypical, with vac bags and running numbers etc. It's been out at every exhibition that Whitborough Quayside has attended, I've also got the Bird's Eye Fish Fingers van in the same stock box. If love the Polo and Duracell tankers though!


My blog entry on the wagon tweaks: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php/blog/394/entry-6113-updating-older-wagons/






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  • RMweb Gold

I agree there will be licencing issues but there is scope for fun(!), for example a Red Bull tank wagon (or a Red Bull plane with folded wings on a flat bed!). I'd have thought that sort of thing would sell quite well with the right brands, if they are agreeable. Ideal for the trainset orientated sector of the market. And why not Corgi and Scalextric wagons?


I also still have the flying helicopter wagon. Helicopter blades are a bit worse for wear but still flys!


I can almost feel the groans from the serious modellers!

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I've been looking at Model Railway Constructor for August 1983.  It has a review of 3 Hornby private owner vans with fictitious liveries. .


They are


1. Baxter's (meat products)


2. Callard and Bowser Butter Scotch


(both on Hull and Barnsley van body)


3. Wimpy (the home of the hamburger)

(on an NER refrigerator van)


There's a Hattons ad where a Smith's crisps van costs £1.25  (list £2.30)



imho the best gag was the Duracell tank wagon.  I reckon Hornby has always had a good sense of humour (giraffe car to graffitti coach).

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If love the Polo and Duracell tankers though!

! have around two thirds of the Hornby range of those wagons, the Duracell one being a classic.

The Duracell tank wagon is a classic.


I've also got the Bird's Eye Fish Fingers van in the same stock box.

In this category, I liked the Kit Kat and Bird's Eye Fish Fingers vans, though I don't own them.


Most of them are embedded in a list here.

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  • 7 months later...

I'm building a rake of these with small tankers, box wagons and ventilator vans. I've taken to naming this either the "Garish Private Owner Freight Train" or the "Rule 1 Freight Train" but I plan on detailing and weathering the stock so it looks a bit more prototypical. I've not completed my collection yet but I'm getting there.

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  • RMweb Gold

I know its not a wagon but.... A class 390 in Ann Summers livery?

Tanned flesh shade, with whisps of black, white and wine-coloured lace in strategic places?


Then again a class 390 is a bit more, thrusting?



I've got a van with Persil livery, you know!

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  • RMweb Gold

Model Trains / Scale Trains / Scale Model Trains (whichever it was at the time, I can't remember) did an article in the 80s about kitbashing a Polo factory & loading facility for the Polo tank. And why not? I never had a Polo tanker, but did have the Cadburys & Kellogs LWB vans, Prime Pork and Fine Fish vans, and a few others, all of which were repainted to weathered bauxite in a desperate quest for realism when I was about 14...

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