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Blog- Maurice's Blog - Beattie Tender

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So, all that for a little box on wheels!


It eventually got soldered together yesterday evening, after a day preparing to demonstrate baseboard construction at St Albans, and in so doing replacing the layout I was going to help operate, that has dropped out due to the owner's indisposition.


Although the tender has had its post-soldering wash, there is still some cleaning up to do and details to be added.




The 'T1' is a couple of steps closer to being finished. It now has a fire box in the darkness between the frames.... (steam engines were good at keeping us in the dark about what went on below the footplate) and there is an appropriate amount of coal in the bunker for an engine in mid-turn. It is in the works for the handles to be fitted and the lettering to be applied. The latter will be done when several painting jobs are tackled during early February ... hopefully including the completed Ilfracombe Goods.


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