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sir douglas

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hi folks, just been browsing the web for West Riding buses and came onto a site for WR buses in Wakefield and Huddersfield, so that gives you somewhere to start with this, the NER station building and pedestrian tunnel should narrow it down




my dads initial thought was Featherstone, but then instantly rejected it as what looks like a bridge abutment on right the photo what would be the dismantled colliery railway bridge over the road was only taken down in the 90's 


good luck.

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  • RMweb Premium

I think it might be Featherstone Sam.   The abutment on the right was, i think the end of a loading bank for the colliery.  I don't think there was ever a bridge over the road there, certainly it had gone by the early 70's and the level crossing equipment puts it into that sort of era.



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I think it's Featherstone too - the terraces stepping down the road in the distance, the string course on the bay window just peeking in centre left and the bottom few courses of the 'abutment' on the right are all visible on the modern Google Streetview. Also the pub sign above the bus corresponds with the position of the Last Orders.

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Having "Streetviewed" it as well, I think is is without a shadow of doubt Featherstone. Look at the position of the steps in relation to the stonework and also the stone marker (circled below).






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  • RMweb Premium

Yes 'Fev' it is.  As far as I know the abutment was never a bridge, just the retaining wall for a set of sidings for holding empty wagons so that tyey could run down through the loading screens by gravity.



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as the votes are against me, i will say that its featherstone.


for those who are unsure what i said. i was saying that my dad didnt think it was featherstone becaues the bridge was still there and would have blocked the view if it was featherstone.


but i think me & dad have looked at it wrong, and i now think that the photo was taken from the bridge and the bridge was a little bit further back from the crossing


but thanks guys

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  • RMweb Premium

while on the subject, does anybody know or could suggest why and how the wulf's front wheels sagged?

They were front end heavy? Though my memory could be faulty West Riding took the front seats out upstairs on some buses.

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