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Build your own 3D Printer part work


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I have to admit I bought the first issue in WHsmiffs the other day, just to have a look at the part - if appears to be a quite robust metal stamping, they also seem to be promising these to be available RTR in the next few months - it may be quite a reasonable toy at that sort of price. Note two of the issues with PCB's in will be about £15 later in the series.


I can't really see myself subscribing.



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  • 1 month later...

OK - Time to own up!


I'm collecting the bits (weekly via the newsey) and so far it looks good. Certainly the parts (so far) are excellent quality.


Nearly there to a working Y axis .... Another week and I can have something which trundles up and down a track under its own power - sounds like my layout. :scratchhead:


Anyone else?



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I also bought the first issue, and having read more I don't think I will be bothering. I looked up prices on ebay and you can buy an upto the moment machine for less than the overall price of the magazine machine. As you have already said in 80 weeks the way technology these days moves on you should be able to buy a machine of a better specification.

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  • 2 months later...

On the basis that I'm going to be shot down (again!) - I now have a large assemblage of heavy gauge (and heavy weight!) steel which is beginning to resemble the skeleton of a printer.


Lots of bits left to go - but I can see where it's heading. Y axis done (including stepper motor and test kit for the electrics and the motor), X axis three (or so) weeks away from completion, including motor.


The specification has been further set out in the 'part-work', the resolution is actually 100, 200 or 400 microns - print head 200 microns - lowest print speed is very low (sorry can't find the figure at the moment).


Up to part 19/90 at the moment, but looking good!



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