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Blog- Shipston-on-Stour Branch - A tentative layout design for Shipston

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Well, this is not the end, but it is certainly the beginning. Using Templot has been interesting, challenging, rewarding and at times frustrating. The latter is due to my being on the steepest part of the learning curve. I have not given up on the double slip, though the current design is actually more prototypical. The problem is, by sticking to OO-SF criteria, I have had to extend the basic area from 9'x2' to 10'x2' whether I use the double slip or not. This is not a space problem dictated by any particular room dimension, but rather one that defeats my hope to have the scenic layout on three 3'x2' boards. Now one of them will be 4'x2'.


I have taken my Templot output and imported it into Illustrator in order to superimpose a rough outline of the various buildings (the actual models are not with me at the moment, in fact they are in France, which is where the layout will be constructed). Here it is:




The curved entry is prototypical but greatly exaggerated. This will allow the "fiddle yard" to be connected after an additional scenic corner piece. This will also accommodate the headshunts on the "main" line and the siding. So the complete layout will be L shaped, probably 12'x6'.


The track will most likely be built using Code 83 FB nickel silver rail soldered to copper-clad sleepers. The rails will come from old Shinohara track I bought in the 1980s. Strictly speaking the rails should be BH but here the question is not one of accuracy but expediency.


The next step for this layout will start when I get back to France. The baseboard frames will be assembled, some Sundeala (or its French equivalent) will be applied and the print out of the track plan will be used to set out the sleepers.


Meantime I might have a little side project - a scale plan of Stratford-on-Avon Old Town on Templot - which would keep me very busy!

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