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Hornby P2 with TTS Sound - front pony truck problems

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I am delighted with my Hornby TSS P2 except for one thing: the front prony truck derails.  I have tweaked the track in several places and reduced teh problem but not eliminated it.   I even put in a new point.


I have added some lead to the front pony truck but there are limits.   I have written Hornby but still awaiting a replay.  Has anybody any  suggestions?





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Yes, that was the first thing I tested.  Since than I have added a small amount of lead into the pony truck.  There  is a definite space limitation but it is still a problem.    I have other locos with pony trucks and all have some spring mechamism to apply force downwards.   The P2 does not have that.  Just a unique mechanism which allows a lot of side play and a little vertical play.   


Thanks for the advice though



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  • RMweb Premium

Hello Richard - thought that might be too obvious.  I have not had my hands on the P2 - not the right era for my laout - but it must have a rather long rigid wheel base.  Did Hornby provide any recommendations for minimum radius?  Is there enough 'side play' in the driving wheels - are these all to the correct gauge?


Good luck



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