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Blog- The Grime Street Blog - A few ongoing projects, mainly from 3d prints.

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There are quite a few ongoing projects at the moment mainly FUD prints but a few other bits and pieces.


First up is Leeds post war car 276, this was to be the prototype for a batch of 50 , unfortunately it never progressed beyond this one, this proved to be the last complete tram built at Kirkstall Rd works, (601 and 602 were built by Roe at Crossgates and 600 was nominally a rebuild)


Shown in the second of it's three liveries (light blue, dark blue then red). FUD print body, scratch built chassis bar cast trucksides, scratch built bow, needs interior and glazing.




Next up is an ex Manchester Pilcher shown in the later red livery, body painted etc part glazed, chassis and interior to do.




Another 2 bodies that are underway are both FUD prints, again both in the earlier dark blue livery one being a Middleton Bogie and one being a Leeds Pivotal, the printed/cast trucks were shown on the previous entry for this one.








Just to prove it's not all 3d prints, I decided to upgrade a few EFE Horsfields, the castings for these are pretty good and with a bit of detailing and repainting can look the part. I currently have 4 of these at various stages and with various modifications to make them more prototypically correct (the castings whilst being 'right' have a few daft anomalies) This is the one nearest completion,






The most important development of these models has been fellow RMwebber and fellow Leeds tram modeller Andy Burrows aka Purple Door and his brilliant range of prototypically correct adverts, no more generic adverts or something that'll do, there is now a huge range of adverts destinations and other bits and pieces, I've been lucky enough to share these for a while and all the models above show how good they are. Andy has now decided to make these available to all and has set up tramads see http://tramads.co.uk/main.phpNow I'll admit to being biased without these Grime Street and its fleet wouln't be anywhere near as good!


Andy is also doing other non Leeds stuff and has done street names, factory and shop signs, tram stops etc for me, first of a big thank you on that but if you need something speak to him, if it's interesting he'll be interested, well that's what he said to me!


There will be a quite a few modifications in the coming months, one is to make a link to Andy's Florin Street layout for occasional link ups of the two at exhibitions, this will allow me to incorporate something from the master of Northern Urban Grot, Dave Shakespeare, I never knew Dave personally but his Tetley Mills layout was an inspiration to me, after his untimely passing I managed to purchase one of his iconic buildings, it'll be incorporated into Grime Street as my little homage, as without Tetley Mills I doubt there'd be a Grime Street....


It's most likely to feature as Shakespeare Terrace Police station, the style of building and Dave's previous profession seem rather apt.


Hopefully this gives a little taster of what's to come






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