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Blog- Petes Model workshop (or ramblings from the balcony) - Goodies from the UK

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Here I am back in Belem. With lots to sort out, but still things required, I just did not get enough time to sort or buy everything I wanted. Plus there would of been complaints from the suitcase packing authorities.


Mind you we may be back in the UK in September so I can restock more then too. I would like to get my lathe here. But that I may have problems with because of the weight. Maybe the wife can sort it into the case without any trouble.


But I did bring back back more than enough to keep me out of mischief for a while. It was packed better for the journey but just to get it from the apartment to the house it was piled in a case.



There are three kits two of which are new and the third has been started. I have wheels for two and a half locos the others I will order in the near future. There are about ten wagons for me and the castings for my 700, and 0395 class locos. Which will mean I can get more of my personal stuff done, which will be on my workshop thread.




I also managed to get some of my books back here about 45kg of them. Flying from Brasil we get two 32kg cases each. My sisters in law who spent 15 days in Europe with us brought one 32kg box back. I brought more with our allowance.




I am looking forward to getting back to the workshop as I have not seen it since the beginning of December. I will have to start model making soon or I may forget how to do it.


Hopefully I will be able to make a post within the next week or two showing some actual progress not hopes of it.

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