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RNA/HEA wagon underframe details on Appleby Model Engineering kits

The General Lee

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Hi all,


I am currently building a couple of Appleby Model Engineering kits in 7mm scale for RNA barrier wagons.  The real wagons were converted from HEA hoppers, basically the hopper body was cut off and the rest left untouched.


However, I am struggling with the undeframes a bit!  It's not too clear from the instructions how the various brake and underframe castings go together.  I'd also like to add some details that aren't provided in the kit.  I have tried looking at numerous photos, but the undeframe details tend to disappear into the shadows!  Does anybody know where I might find some decent pictures of RNAs or HEAs showing what's going on below the solebar, or even a drawing?  I believe there's a HEA preserved at Locomotion, Shildon, but unfortunately I haven't been able to get there to see it as it's several hundred miles away!


Thanks in advance,

The General Lee.

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Hi all,


Thanks for your posts.  The photos are all very useful, especially yours Brian, these are exactly the kind of pictures I was looking for.  It makes it a lot clearer what exactly is under the solebar in the shadows!  All your websites are excellent and a real resource for modellers and historians.  It must take a lot of work to run them, which I appreciate.  I'll now be able to get on and finish the wagons.


Mark- the preserved HEA has made it to Shildon, Paul Bartlett has a couple of photos of it there on his website!


Thanks again.

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