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Farish class 33 bogie modification

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Hi everyone,


Just picked up a Farish class 33 on eBay for a bargain price. It's a great little model and with some wire hand rails, buffer detailing, and lowering the body a bit, it will look pretty good.


However, I've noticed that the bogies seem to be in the wrong position compared to the prototype.


Has anyone successfully attempted to adjust the bogies? If so, some advice on how to do it would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance!


Best regards,



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The bogies are the wrong wheelbase - they should be significantly longer.

There was an RM article a while back in the 90's converting the Farish 33 with class 91 bogies which are longer and more accurate. Not sure which RM that was, but I'm sure someone here will know.


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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Jeremy,


I converted some 33s with a Kato RSC-2 chassis, though the centre wheels have to be taken out and the bogie sideframes significantly remodelled.


Nowadays I'd be tempted to just drop the Farish body on a Dapol Class 26 or 27 chassis as a placeholder pending the arrival of the new Dapol 33!



Ben A.

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