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Temptation in EM


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I have been mulling over a few ideas for something in EM for a couple of years. I have a vague idea of what I would like to do but have never quite got things moving.


Why EM? - well as I have said before I simply cannot tell the difference between EM and P4 and way back in the 70's I once dabbled in the gauge.


Industrial - only weeds and no great plains of green. Short wheelbase and shunting plank.


I suppose things started with the images in the BEL2 topic and a request to build the High Level Kit. This just received another push and reminder from the maps in the North British Station topic.


Anyway, we end up with this fragment from the map which will need something like an attack of Templot to extract the rather complex track plan and see just how difficult it will be to build and what space will be required.



Nothing is going to happen soon and this is really just concept batting. For now, I need to get back on the job of Kenton's Curve.

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Concept layouts are so tempting. I get new ideas every day. When I browse a book my imagination goes wild.

I did loads of wagons and NPCCS in the early 80s in EM. I had some plain line using the Ratio track base. I learnt loads about brake work whilst spacing in for EM. Never had a loco and went over to the dark side (US outline HO)

Keep up the good work.

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I find minimum space layouts fascinating-as there are more constraints on space the builder has to box clever as to how much he or she can fit into that available space and still keep it believable. I'll keep on coming back to this thread to check on your progress-Good luck!   

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Regardless of what gauge is chosen, have you actually worked out how to operate it? So far as I can see, it has hardly any potential for anything other than pushing and pulling wagons up and down. On the other hand, if you were happy with that, it could look great scenically.


David C

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I have been mulling over a few ideas for something in EM for a couple of years. I have a vague idea of what I would like to do but have never quite got things moving.


Why EM? - well as I have said before I simply cannot tell the difference between EM and P4 and way back in the 70's I once dabbled in the gauge.






You nearly got away with this remark, except Buffalo spotted it. Now you are in trouble, the P4 boys are slow to ruffle but when they are ruffled they are definitely ruffled.


The plan looks quite interesting but its the wagon turntables that will give all the problems, not only in building the track but propelling the wagons !!

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Regardless of what gauge is chosen, have you actually worked out how to operate it? So far as I can see, it has hardly any potential for anything other than pushing and pulling wagons up and down. On the other hand, if you were happy with that, it could look great scenically.


David C

Definitely a case of goods inwards, split, shunt around various sidings, in/out of buildings, and make up trains before taking back off scene. In fact very similar to every layout other than a roundy-roundy watch the trains go by ;)


But hang on that middle point sends a "train" into a building which could continue with similar tight curves to reappear at the LH side (FY) from under the bridge ... a contrived roundy-roundy. :D :D


P4 is out of the question the EM gauge BEL2 is a straightforward (but tight and not simple) build of the High Level Kit. I don't think it will work as P4 - even if you did have a suitable source of wheels. The curves are so tight and most of it inlaid I doubt if I am up to making the track -- I have my doubts as it stands - especially around the wagon turntable* to the left and the complex crossing of the sidings. - and that is long before the buildings are tackled.


Although I like the concept and feel it has great potential, there remains more to put me off than progress.


TODO: I must download Templot and see if I can get some progress to dimensions.


*It is a great pity that PH designs wagon turntable etch is only available in OO (hint) If it can be done in OO why not in EM (or even P4)? Are not the principles the same just different spacing?

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