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DJH 4mm Barclay starter kit

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First off, I apologise if this has been covered before, but a few searches haven't brought it up. Secondly, these questions are probably incredibly basic and simple, however I have absolutely no experience of railway modelling. 


I'm looking into buying the DJH Barlcay saddle tank (SK002), however as this is going to be my first locomotive kit, I'd like to know what exactly I have to do to build it. I know it is advertised as "just needing glue and paint to complete" - is this actually true? Does this mean that the gear box is pre-assembled in the chassis, or do I have to build that as well? (This is the main problem for me, as it sounds a little complex)


Does anyone who has built one of these have any insights they could give? 


Thanks in advance  ^_^


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It's a cracking kit. Yes, it does just need paint and glue - not even any solder. You have to put the gears in the chassis but it's very easy, well desgined and well documented. While the kit costs more than a bit of old rubbish from a second hand stall, you stand an excellent chance of building a loco to be proud of. Go for it!




Warning: My first kit was the DJH beginner 02 diesel. Once you've built one, it becomes addictive...

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Interesting, but ignore all the stuff about fiddling with the chassis. Build it as per the instructions and you'll be fine. Even the shortwheelbase isn't such a problem with a shunter that weighs as much as this one!

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