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Burrator Lane Steam Shed Restoration


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  • RMweb Premium

I was recently given an old steam shed that the person giving had no further use for. I decided to make the upgrade and restoration of this shed a scratchbuilding project for me.


The roof was covered in large plasticsrd sheets which had been damaged so I am removing that and replacing it with a scratchbuilt roof. A good friend of mine has recently taught me a technique he uses for rooves which I am going to use. It is to cut up thin cardboard (about 10thou in plasticard terms) into individual scale tiles (approx 2.2mmx3.5mm -modern tile size) and to then attach these to the substructure of the roof (v thin ply) as if creating a real tiled roof. Each card tile it attached in rows working up the roof to the top. They are stuck by painting pva neat onto the roof substructure and then individually applying the tiles. Whilst an incredibly labour intensive way of roofing a building it does give a really realistic look to the finished roof. It's gonna be a lot of cutting and sticking for me as each tile is as mention only about 2.2mmx3.5mm and the shed is 2.5-3ft long

There are already roof lights but I intend to increase the size of these as part of the process of re-roofing and reglazing the entire building.


My final aim with the building is to have a steam shed that looks brand new but in an old design. The brief I created for myself was that they shed was on a heritage railway where a steam shed had originally existed but had been demolished when the line was closed and had just been rebuilt by the heritage railway to the historic design that had once existed.


I will upload some pictures of the shed as I got it and the little progress I have made to it so far later on

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  • RMweb Gold

I find picking up the tiles with the point of a knife and placing them on the roof to be quite theraputic.


Make sure you add guidelines to the roof sub layer first - the more the better - these will help with alignment.

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  • RMweb Premium

I find picking up the tiles with the point of a knife and placing them on the roof to be quite theraputic.Make sure you add guidelines to the roof sub layer first - the more the better - these will help with alignment.

Cheers. Thanks for the advice. Will be putting that to good use.


Here are the pictures of the shed when I got it.






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  • RMweb Premium

Here is some pictures of the beginning of the task of creating the tiles. First of a picture of a sheet of a4 card with the tiles drawn out ready for cutting. These tiles are gonnabe 5mmx3mm. Slightly large in scale than a regular house tile but not by much. Second picture is a bit of further progress cutting the sheet into strips ready to start cutting individual tiles.






Just as an aside bit of information this one sheet has 4200 tiles approximately. I'm not sure yet but at a rough guess I'm thinking I'm gonna need approximately 10000 tiles to cover the roof. I'm kinda hoping that I've massively overestimated the number.

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  • RMweb Premium

I managed to get started on the process of tiling tonight thanks to my lovely wife who spent a fair bit of the day cutting out the individual tiles for me. So here's some pictures of progress in creating the first three rows. I recon it's gonna take around 30 rows per side.





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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for the comments. I'm really looking forward to this project. M

Here's a few more pics from tonight. I've managed to add another 6 rows tonight. 9 in totalso far. Many still to go though.






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  • RMweb Premium

Truly a labour of love.  The closest thing I've ever come to this is a doll house roof which was bad enough in the larger scale.



I'm just glad I haven't decided to try something like this in n gauge. Lol


When I was given the shed I really wanted to improve my scratch skills and do things I hadn't done before. My good friend mick has been roofing recently with this technique which he was kind enough to show me and give me guidance. Plus I wanted to do a really good job of restoring and improving the shed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hoping to get the first side finished today. Then onto the second side which is slightly less area to cover than the first. Once it's all done I'll be painting the tiles having protected the rest of the shed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Managed to almost finish the first side yesterday only about anothe 25-30 mins work hopefully. The first side is looking like its gonna need 34 rows of tiles. Here's a few snaps of yesterday's progress.






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  • RMweb Premium

Haven't made any progress tonight as I wanted an evening break as with all the leaning over doing it my back and neck have been a bit uncomfortable. I need to get a proper modelling area at home for this kinda thing.

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  • RMweb Premium

For some reason I always expect something of the Princetown branch with this header! Must be due to GW branches being favourites of mine and many others.



Morning Brian.


That's a good idea for a future layoit plan for the shed. Haven't really decided yet but thank for the inspiration. I come from Devon originally and have good memories of walking round Burrator with my parents and sister, and my wife an I have a painting by a Devon artist that my parents had commissioned for our wedding on our wall. I happened to look up at it whilst I was tiling the roof and the name just came to me.

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