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Blog- The Cuckmere Valley Railway - The Wall - v1

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In the last update I talked about a scenic identity, and mentioned the common use of flint in Sussex for building and construction.


I'm off this week, and whilst I planned to spend a lot of time on the layout real life has somewhat got in the way, although having said that it has been a lovely few days so far with another couple to go.


One thing I've long wanted to make a start on is the retaining wall, as it will be a clearly visible feature, and it needs to go in first before I can start on the goods shed/bank siding. As mentioned previously I've been playing around with a few ideas of how to produce the flint, but today hit a snag. I had wanted to use Wills Cobblestone Walling, but a visit to the model shop saw them out of stock. They did though have some of the Cobblestones, so I've decided to try it and see. I also picked up, for the princely sum of 90p, a sheet of 1.5mm ply, which is suitably flexible to put the slight curve that is required in easily.


After getting home, I cracked on and have 'finished' the wall, although it is not painted and still requires some filling. In all honesty, I'm not sure - the cobblestone has produced flint which is a little large, but equally, I'd like to get it painted and then reassess.


See what you think - I've cropped the image, and it is a little, but only a little, bigger than actual size. This will sit approx 10" from the baseboard edge.;




As always, comments are encouraged! - its a shame Wills don't do N Gauge/2mm Cobblestones, as I suspect they would be perfect...

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