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Editions Atlas - Automotrices des reseaux francais

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  • RMweb Premium

I am sure many will be aware of Editions Atlas and their collections of models on a theme.


As their Autorail series draws to a close (I assume) they have now started a new series for automotrices.  The first model is a Z 7100 - which if you end up subscribing to the series ends up being "free" (otherwise 9.90€).  Later models will be around 42€, but subscriptions can be cancelled at any time.  They are also proposing motorising kits at just shy of 50€ each - which they say will be suitable for other future models.  Now the level of fine detail can be criticised, and certainly if motorising you will likely look to replace the moulded out-of-service position pantographs, but compared with the only available rtr version at over 700€, these look to provide a cheap basis for reasonable models.





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It could just be the photos but the proportions don't look quite right to me (particularly the front end). But at that price I will certainly be interested in a couple if I can find them in the shops when I am over there in a couple of weeks time.


It would be helpful if they would at least bring out the driving trailer. They were not often seen out on their own.

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  • RMweb Gold
Joseph_Pestell, on 22 Feb 2015 - 11:29, said:

It could just be the photos but the proportions don't look quite right to me (particularly the front end). But at that price I will certainly be interested in a couple if I can find them in the shops when I am over there in a couple of weeks time.


It would be helpful if they would at least bring out the driving trailer. They were not often seen out on their own.

Ebay is awash with them.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm not surprised that there should be a lot on Ebay. Apart from the usual speculators, I find it an unlikely subject for a collectors' series of this type. And why do they bring out all of these in France when (until recently) we did not get such series in the UK, where there are far more railway enthusiasts.


Just had a look at the Atlas fr site. Disappointing that they have not put pick-ups on the non-motorised bogie. For €50, I feel that they could have.

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And why do they bring out all of these in France when (until recently) we did not get such series in the UK, where there are far more railway enthusiasts.

I think the clue's in the scale - there may well be more railway enthusiasts in the UK than France (although I've personally never seen any figures to give a factual basis to that), but what is known is that HO has never been more than a very minority interest on the 'wrong' side of la Manche, Trix and Rivarossi amongst others having found that to their cost. It will be interesting to see if the current series does sell well with Brits, but I personally will not be holding my breath.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think the clue's in the scale - there may well be more railway enthusiasts in the UK than France (although I've personally never seen any figures to give a factual basis to that), but what is known is that HO has never been more than a very minority interest on the 'wrong' side of la Manche, Trix and Rivarossi amongst others having found that to their cost. It will be interesting to see if the current series does sell well with Brits, but I personally will not be holding my breath.

Agreed that any series for the UK needs to be to 1:76 or 1:148

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It will be interesting to see what other models are produced especially if they do some metre gauge models. Suspect it will be possible to get hold of them direct from China like the previous models.

It's a pity Atlas Editions are not doing anything other than the Z gauge models for UK. The packaging on their HO models is far superior to that used by another company for it range of OO locos. And the Atlas Editions models are new, not copies of old Hornby and Bachmann models, but then they are also cheaper.

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  • 11 months later...
  • RMweb Premium

Received my open top remorque for the Caneri just a week ago.  They also gave an apology that there have been problems and delays



...............Afin de toujours mieux server, notre entreprise a opéré des changements d'organisation importants au cours des derniers mois.  Malheureusement, nous avons connu des dysfonctionnements qui ont pu altérer notre qualité de service, nos délais de livraison, ou notre capacité à répondre à vos questions .............

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  • 1 year later...

Any news on this topic ? Has anyone seen a list of the Automotrice produced so far ?  I have just got quite by chance the Midi Fourgon Automoteur from eBay, and I am wondering what else I might have missed recently.

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  • RMweb Premium

z 7100,

L'automotrice de ramassage Etat,  

L'automotrice Etat 2e Serie,

L'automotrice Z-23237,

L'automotrice Z-23303,

Midi automotrice EABD Z-5100, Z-5100 remorque, Z-5100 trailer,

Automotrice Metallique Midi,

Automotrice de Train jaune, Remorque de Train jaune, Remorque de Train jaune Z 3600

Remorque ZR13600

SNCF Z-307 Budd

PO AE 1-7 

SNCF Z4000

Z 4702 first element Z 4702 second element

ZABD 604 - Chamonix line ZR 20601 - Chamonix line

PO Z-4100, PO remorque intermediare ZR 24110, PO remorque Zrx 14110 Fourgon automoteur

Midi Z 4202 Remorque Sud Ouest

Automotrice Etat type Z 3e - 5e serie

Auomotrice de la banlieue Ouest

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