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Blog- TomE's N Gauge Modelling - Ropley - It's off.....It's on.....It's off.....It's on.....

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Hi all.

Following on from the last entry detailing the GFB Designs IMP Servo Driver, Ropley now has it's first working Signal!

This ended up being more in-depth than I original anticipated, but only due to me deciding I wasn't very happy with the first version of the Up Starter built a while back. Specifically, the signal simply had a length of wire running through the base plate which was not particularly robust, and had no means of preventing over movement. This was rectified by using various diameters of brass tube to create a very simple mechanism which restricts movement of the arm to the desired range. It's altogether a much better attempt and should stand up to exhibition usage well, hopefully!

Installing the Servo itself was straight forward, with a simply L shaped frame being produced from MDF (the most suitable material I had to hand!) and a servo screwed into a cutout of the correct size. The photo below illustrates the installation:

The Orange and Yellow wires run from the LED installed for the Signal lamp, another area where this signal was improved from version 1.

Hopefully the videos show how the signal works, and whilst the movement might not be completely accurate it's close enough for me, and most importantly it means I can control all aspects of the layout from the Powercab handset.


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