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Bonnybridge model railway show 2015


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Due to circumstances outwith the control of Bonnybridge model railway club it is with great sadness that i have to announce that the show that was scheduled for October the 3rd & 4th has had to be postponed.


Bruce Duncan (show manager)

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Due to circumstances outwith the control of Bonnybridge model railway club it is with great sadness that i have to announce that the show that was scheduled for October the 3rd & 4th has had to be cancelled.


Bruce Duncan (show manager)

Bruce - so sorry to hear this. I know we spoke about the possibility of this last weekend in Glasgow but disappointed it has come to fruition. Max

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  • RMweb Premium

Yes does it have to be in Bonnybridge? How about sticking it in the MacLellan Galleries instead in homage to Model Rail Scotland exhibitions of the past.


Seriously sorry to hear it, as a regular attendee of shows in Scotland

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Very disappointed that we wont be having a show this year, however the more time went on the less chance we had of putting together a show akin to Bonnybridge's high standards of previous shows. No point in putting on a lesser standard of show from previous years.

Lets hope circumstances for next year are sorted quickly and the show manager can use the time to produce another top show in 2016  

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I hope the council reflect on this loss to the community and see sense in the very near future. I'm sure everyone whose ever attended and exhibited at what was and will be again a great show will join me in applauding Bruce and the team for their efforts in producing what has become one of the prestigious railway shows on the calendar. :locomotive: !


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Hi Bruce, for what it's worth, please add my commiserations to the list. I have always enjoyed Bonnybridge and thought it a friendly and happy show with a high standard of layouts.


Just have to wait for 2016



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Bruce, move the show away from council premises. Councils are Greedy, non negotiable and tied up with H&S B*llsh*t. We have, and we have a far better environment for our Greenock show nowadays.


Plus, we have the best Apple Pie by far(Ask the Perth show manager!)



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Hi Bruce


Sorry to hear that that your exhibition is cancelled this year. It was always a very enjoyable exhibition to attend. Unfortunately I don't think you will be the last one to have to cut their cloth accordingly. Hopefully the council will see sense, as they are costing the local economy money by their hall hire pricing. I know a lot of exhibition managers and clubs are starting to baulk at the overall cost of hiring council premises.



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Hi Bruce ,


Just caught up with this . I did hear about the possibility of cancelling when we were at the Glasgow show .


Hopefully you can resolve things for next year as it had always been a show I have enjoyed attending as both exhibitor and demonstrator .


Councils just seem set to piss everyone off at the moment . They would rather shut places for the weekend rather than provide a service to the local community and maybe make a little cash .


I hope you have spoken to your local councillor about this . It is about time they stood up an be counted rather than just being faceless names riding the gravy train !


Best regards


Mike b

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