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Blog- kyle (previously in a boxfile) - kyle 2015 - lights, camera...and a little (tr)action...

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Good evening,


Time for an update...


Work doesn't seem to be allowing any windows to do any modelling after work in the evenings at present so progress is focussed around weekend slots in between family duties.


The wiring has been simplified (how can it be complicated on a layout such as this you ask :)) but in the main down to the fact that it was originally constructed 5 years ago in 300mm sections to get in my box files/suitcase, so lots of jump wires etc. A test class 47 managed to navigate all areas of track with a few bits of filing required to turnouts and some further tweaking.


After trying to come up with a simple option to link the fiddleyard tracks using sliding brass sleeved sections I finally decided to run the power on the underside to the far end and use crocodile clips attached to brass tubes soldered to the end of the roads - at least this will hopefully keep the operator alert by physically having to move them during train movements.


I also decided to rethink the lighting and rather than using my favourite IKEA LED strips, this time I have opted for a 'Screw-fix' linear fitting. One has been mounted behind the front fascia which seems to throw light evenly on the back scene which I decided was more important than on the water and another in the Fiddleyard.


I took the opportunity of making a small shelf which can hold additional rolling stock if need be and this also allowed me to attach the light to the underside of it. The two lights have been connected together by the cable supplied although this has been somewhat shortened.


Overall this should now give a good coverage to both the scenics and non scenic section rather than relying solely on exhibition lighting...usually in the form of Sportshall/Gymnasium toplight. I think it gives a nice glow to the Fiddleyard from the letterbox slot too.


Here's a few pics:



view front left...



view front right...



fiddleyard showing low tech power solution...



stock tray incorporated...



clocks ticking...


Comments welcomed as usual...



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