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Blog- Trevanion Dries - Annual Update

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Despite a new job, new house and a move to the opposite corner of England, progress has continued slowly but surely over the last year. Spurred on by a recent 2mm North East Area Group meeting, here are some recent photos showing scenic progress on Board 1:






The layout is operational, in that I have a total of 2 wagons with DG couplings at each end which can be run-round in the loop and shunted by the 37 (still waiting to get my hands on one of the new class 37 releases from Farish with a more appropriate livery), with the DGs being operated by an under-the track magnet attached to a long splint of wood - this allows wagons to be uncoupled at almost any point on the scenic section of the track.


Next to do is replace the cardboard mock-up with a properly constructed dries, construct a scenic break for the entrance into the fiddle yard and complete the ballasting before moving onto Board 2. Time is of the essence before a baby arrives in 7 weeks and counting down...!!! :O



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