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Blog- Old AGWI Road - An oil refinery in 1:76 scale - Suddenly The Plan Falls Into Place!

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A lot of progress has been made since the last update. Daily updates take place on my external blog, and on NGRM (you have to be a member to view).

Sadly the amount of traffic on the blogs here on RMweb doesn't justify daily updates, I may swap over to a layout topic, but only if there is deemed enough interest, as two places to post is already a lot of work!


So anyway, let me quickly round up the progress from this week.


The main progress has been on the Ashlett Creek board, with a view for at least getting this board finished in time for the May exhibition. I have already got pretty far with this board, and I really like the way it is turning out. As said by a few on NGRM, it could well sit as it's own layout at exhibitions with a simple fiddle yard attached on to the end!


So firstly the polystyrene sub-base was marked and cut out. It was then shaped with a hot wire cutter to get a more organic feel. The gradient of the hill had to be lessened considerably on the viewing side, as I soon realised trees would never be able to grow on such a steep slope! Thus is turned into this:




You can see clay has also been added on top, and it gives a nice surface to paint the basic ground colour onto! I have also added the NG steam shed onto this board due to a new cameo I have planned - the fire station, complete with tall hose drying tower. (Well, when I've built it!).






I have also made a start on The Jolly Sailor pub. Some walls will be Wills sheet as shown above, and the rest will be modelling clay for the render. The model has been severely compressed from the prototype. Although it is the same length and height, some of the outbuildings will not be modelled due to a lack of space. It should still retain the quaint appearance of the prototype though with any luck!




Speaking of modelling clay, here is the creek bed taking shape!




And once the clay had dried, the little cobblestone retaining bank was hand scribed over a 1.5hr lunchtime!




So this is the state of the Ashlett Creek board at the moment:




And now we have today's progress - a potentially final track plan!







I love the way the layout of the buildings and build up of height draws your eyes from the front to the back of the layout - it's really pleasing from most perspectives! As you can see, now the workshop is finally up on the high level as it should be according to the prototype, and there is also space for the small drum washing plant between it and the filling shed. In the photo above you can see I've merged the power house and the asphalt plant into one big jumbled structure to form the centre piece of the layout. Prototypical? Maybe not quite, but it looks great!


I hope my diagram and photos are clear enough for you all to be able to see what I envisaged. I think this is finally a step in the right direction, after not having been happy with the original plan.


Anyway, so that about wraps up this weeks progress - I think you'll agree a lot has been done!

Any comments/suggestions will always be welcome!


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