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Rivarossi - US (S100)

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Try ebay.com, the U.S. ebay site. Your ebay id and password will work on the U.S. site.


The seller in this link will ship to the UK : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rivarossi-HR2523-HO-Scale-Granite-Rock-10-S-100-Class-0-6-0-Switcher-/371165504554?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item566b30242a#shpCntId


Note, you will be liable for vat coming in from the U.S. and Royal Mail will hold the package ransom until you pay, unless you can get the seller to mark the value on the customs form below Β£35, (approx) and then it may not be insured, but you'll have ebay buyer protection anyway.

Good luck.

Edited to add: have you tried Hornby direct? They may sell you one.

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