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Cattle wagons


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While trying to get my act together, I've been delving in to boxes that I'd long forgotten about and discovered two models of cattle wagons. One is courtesy of Dapol, the other Bachmann.


post-5925-0-41182000-1427244753_thumb.jpg     post-5925-0-56492300-1427244752_thumb.jpg


As you can see, the Dapol wagon has no horizontal bars above the planking, whereas the Bachmann one does, so should the Dapol version have these bars as well? Also, are these prototypical models, and if so, of what?


Thanks in advance, and apologies if I've not made myself clear; vino rosso, courtesy of the Domestic Goddess, has decided to hinder the conversation!



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Hi Phil,


I'm fairly certain that the Dapol model is of a standard British Railways cattle van which was based on the former GWR pattern. It is basically the same as the Airfix/Dapol plastic kit version. As to the bar in the top this was a single rod. I've added a single bar on mine out of thin brass rod superglued in place.


I'm no sure, but I thick the Bachmann model is based on an LMS design. I quite happy to be contradicted by more knowledgable persons if I'm off the mark.



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The Dapol one is a BR design, based on the GWR one, but with a different roof profile. The model originates from the Hornby-Dublo one, designed fifty or more years ago. It should have the horizontal bars in the open space at the top of the side, albeit much thinner than the Mainline/ Bachmann interpretation.

This should give an idea of the size of the real thing:- 


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The Dapol one is a BR design, based on the GWR one, but with a different roof profile. The model originates from the Hornby-Dublo one, designed fifty or more years ago. It should have the horizontal bars in the open space at the top of the side, albeit much thinner than the Mainline/ Bachmann interpretation.

This should give an idea of the size of the real thing:- 



Thanks for that - I will now add the horizontal bar and add it to the fleet of wagons!



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Hi Phil,


I'm fairly certain that the Dapol model is of a standard British Railways cattle van which was based on the former GWR pattern. It is basically the same as the Airfix/Dapol plastic kit version. As to the bar in the top this was a single rod. I've added a single bar on mine out of thin brass rod superglued in place.


I'm no sure, but I thick the Bachmann model is based on an LMS design. I quite happy to be contradicted by more knowledgable persons if I'm off the mark.




As Dave has told me this was an LMS design, I did a quick Google and found this link that gives me more information, so thanks for your help Dave, it's appreciated.



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Beware the 'window' bar was not on all cattle wagons. It was problematic for some stock owing to the fact that it enables some cattle to turn their heads and get trapped causing at best panic and at worst injury. I am sure I have seen prototype photos of them in use both with and without the bar. Some also had more than one bar.

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