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Another utterly disgusting and inappropriate thread from Boris


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How did the culprit sit there and nobody notice?

Sit? there? (Perhaps there's a letter "h" missing.)


Which is worse, that story or being in the last train vomitorium home to the 'burbs on Friday or Saturday night after the bars/pubs close?

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During my time as a guard on the South Eastern, in the early 80s, I was amazed about the depths to which people will stoop.  Once I worked a 12 VEP from Cannon Street, full and standing until Sevenoaks, then Tonbridge and all stations to Ashford.  The VEP had a cage for parcels almost half the length of the coach.  When the load of passengers lightened (double entendre there for the comedians amongst us) I noticed a little pile in the far corner of the cage.  You've guessed it, a neat pile of **** plus the participants panties.......  All I can say is they must have been desperate.   No hour delays in those days, just a bucket of hot soapy water sloshed the offending objects out of the van.

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When ya gotta go, ya gotta go....

Let's face it - many trains don't have loos; of those that do, many are (a) out of order (b) a health hazard.  As for getting off the train and using the station loo, how many stations have loos nowadays?  And if you did, and got the next train, would the ticket inspector bounce you for being on the wrong train....


Still a dead yucky thing to do though...



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