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wire n tube advice

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Hi Jim


1.25mm piano wire is pretty stiff stuff and won't bend very easily. If you only have fairly short runs from the switch on the edge of the layout to the point, you only need to stop the wire dropping down as it doesn't even need to be in a tube. For lengths up to about 18 inches I just used netting staples to hold the rod in place. You do need to stop it twisting but you can usually do that where the wire connects to the switch. you can join lengths and make the overall length adjustable by using the inserts in electrical terminal block by sliding the wire in from both sides so they overlap then then nip up the screws. For longer runs you might be better off with the plastic wire in tube products made for the model aircraft modellers for operating the rudder, elevators and ailerons etc.



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MSE/ Wizard Models used to sell 5 metre rolls of nickel silver wire in a PTFE tube, for just the purpose you describe - you simply cut to length. The product reference was SM4 and it was £5 a pop. You could check their website, otherwise he does a lot of shows.




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