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The Titfield Railway


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Hello all, it's Matt Parmenter here. I'm also known as 81B Wycombe Works on some social media sites. I'm currently building a layout based on Titfield station from the 1953 Ealing comedy, The Titfield Thunderbolt.

The Layout is designed to fit on three seperate 6ft by 2ft boards, giving a total length of 18ft. The trackwork is mostly peco code 100 for deeper flanges of older models, and the power is supplied by a standard Gaugemaster Controller. The trackplan (as shown below-sans some modifications) is nothing too outside the box. It represents the station as it would be as a preserved railway in the 1990's or beyond, with the railway having grown in size and power since the films events. It has a 2 siding goods yard and a passing loop, a format which screams ex-GWR. The fiddle yard is a peco 3-way point allowing for three lengthy sidings capable of storing good length train formations.


More to follow, including construction photos!


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Hello William,


The building on the far left was a representation of the engine shed seen in the film. The Trackplan has since been updated, with this being turned into a headshunt.


This photo shows that end of the layout presently




Thank you for the feedback!



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I watched this on BBC 4 the other night, its fascinating in its own right just for the scenery in 50's Britain. 

There's some great facts floating about on the internet too, for instance - the driver, fireman and guard are all actual BR employees 'hired' out with the stock and branch line (which had already been closed). They fitted the roles so well that they were given speaking rolls rather than just 'working' the train.

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Evenin all, Matt again.


Have had another running session on Titfield, and have done some work on TR No.6 Daniel.


Scenery is progressing well, with some more of the yard due to be ballasted soon. One of the main purchases yesterday was Harry Hawkins' steam roller!


That's all for now, pictures below.











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  • 4 weeks later...

Looks great!  


Mind if I ask what the building on the far left is supposed to represent: engine shed/train shed; and is it a dead end or through siding?




The 'engine shed' was supposedly a dutch barn moved (by the power of a large gang of people) to provide cover for the 14xx and rolling stock. The real station used to represent Titfield wasn't a terminus hence the single line continuing over the level crossing to the 'shed'.


For those who have Facebook there is a group about the film and the line. https://www.facebook.com/groups/392335160901770/?ref=ts&fref=ts

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello again,


Work has been slow due to progress on exams and the like. I have however found the time to perform some ballasting on the yards. Attatched are photos of this, a ballast wagon load and my No.4 locomotive enduring a test run at the local Model club.







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  • 1 month later...

It's been a while hasn't it?


Having finished my exams, work has continued on the layout to the point where the scenic and electrics are almost complete. Below is a photo of the current scenic section. I also have attatched another photograph, and I would appreciate feedback on whether or not this is essentially the correct way to wire and isolating section to a piece of track.








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  • 1 month later...

Hi Matt,


The Titfield  Railway was shown here locally in Victoria Australia just yesterday.  Very pleasant bit of English film.

Your inspired layout looks good. 


Your isolated section wiring looks correct.  I would use different colour wire for each rail.  I presume you are planning to use plastic rail joiners at the end of each section of track.


Mark in Oz

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  • 2 months later...

Hello all.


It's been quite a while since I last posted here, and I'm happy to report the layout is in a stage where I can exhibit it! It has been set up at the HWDMRS' (High Wycombe and District Model Railway Society) clubroom, the society of which I am a member. The layout will be operating at the club's post-Wycrail open day on the 21st November. Pictures attatched below.









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  • 1 month later...

Hullo all,


The first running session at the open day was largely successful. Apart from the signal on the layout failing to work, the operational side of things was a success. Attached below are some photos of the day's operations.





















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  • 1 month later...

Hello all. Just a quick note to say that Titfield will be attending Hughenden Manor's "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" exhibition from the 13th to the 21st of February as part of the HWDMRS' guest group, which also includes layouts such as Halland, Byway MPD, and the Wycrail kids layout.


Hope to see some of you there!



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