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List of Bachmann and Hornby 08 liveries

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  • RMweb Premium

Does anyone know of anywhere that I'll find a complete list of liveries that the Bachmann and Hornby (new super detail type) class 08s have appeared in, including limited editions? I seem to have started collecting them and want to know what's available.

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Modelzone did quite a few limited editions, carried on by Invicta models. They have one marked down at the moment (Liverpool street pilot) which might tickle your fancy if you haven't already got it. Right at the end of Modelzone there were 'Starlet' in Red Star livery and the WD (class 11 strictly?) 'Basra' in LMR livery. I suspect that all of these are too recent to appear on the past models listing from Bachmann. Kernow Model Centre may also still have available their weathered Freightliner (or was it FGW?) 08.

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