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ESU accessory decoders with JMRI


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The ESU accessory decoders (such as the Switch Pilot and Switch Pilot Servo) don't seem to be recognised by JMRI. Does anyone know of a decoder definition file for them? How easy is it for me to make a definition file myself?

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In the absense of any other reply 8-)

With Accessory Decoders, it is usually easier and/or better to do any 'programming' 'in-situ' out on the accessory/track dcc bus, rather than in a separate programming environment (programming track)


However, the SwitchPilot CAN be programmed, with read back, on the programming track, and this is also described in the SwitchPilot manual which can be downloaded from the ESU website.


For the basic Accessory Address, use the 'Learn' button, and simply send the appropriate address as a point left or right command.  For the SwitchPilot, ensure the slide switch is NOT in a Marklin position = place it in the MIDDLE position for dcc.  (Para 8.4.1)

However, there are a few additional CVs that may need to be written to, with the Switch Pilot - such as Pulse duration, and Servo settings if you have used the 2  Servo connections, or added the extra module.  Chapters 7,8 and 9 covers this - for use out on the track, in-situ, by starting with the Program/Learn button, as described in the manual.

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Hi Phil,


Thanks for the reply. I managed to get it programmed in the end (no thanks to the Bachmann instructions). The Bachmann instructions say apply a load resistor across any output, whilst the ESU instructions say apply it across output 1-A. This helped! I was setting the servo end-points (after using the switch-based programming on a Switch Pilot Servo to work out the correct values) so direct CV programming on the programming track was the way to go.



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Answering the JMRI question...   If its not in the distributed files, then nobody has written it.   
If you wanted to write your own, its not very difficult, start from an accessory decoder which uses a similar approach to addressing split over two CVs (eg. some of the MERG decoders where I wrote the files).   The files are in XML, and can be edited with a text editor.   There is some information on the JMRI website about writing decoder files.   And, when done, the usual approach to testing is to ( a ) make it available on the jmriusers group at Yahoo, and ( b ) submit it to the JMRI project via SourceForge.      Further details on this process in the file "how to get it into the next release" at




- Nigel

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if you want to drop versions my way, I can comment on how you've done things.  I might also be able to explain a few tricks which would allow you to have both SwitchPilot and SwitchPilot Servo in a single file, etc..    Send a PM  if you need assistance, then we can take things to email.


- Nigel

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