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Blog- sigtech's Blog - Sproston - good grief! - there's another one got in....

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Hello again, after the 'fun' evicting the queen wasp from my loft, without harming either it or myself, I thought my troubles were over and began once again to do "stuff" to the layout.


Yesterday, I ascended the ladder, intent on starting to carefully mark out the holes under the baseboard where the magnets needed to be inserted (all 20 of them...) and glued to activate the Brian Kirby type tension lock couplings that I had decided to standardise on.

Some time passed, then I became aware of a familiar buzzing sound, looking up - sure enough there was another one of the blighters flying loops around the flourescant light.


With a sigh, and quiet resolution, I exited the loft, and began searching for my "wasp eviction kit"

After half an hour of cat and mouse following it around the loft, awaiting it to settle somewhere I could trap it under a plastic pot, I gave up, went down - had a cup of tea and decide to have another go today.


Opening the loft door and searching this morning revealed - no wasp!!!

Either: a) It had escaped the same way it had got in or B) it was lying low....


Leaving it in the loft to chance was NOT a good idea - for obvious reasons, so I reluctantly had to resort to chemical warfare!!

The whole loft was given a good long spay of wasp/flykiller and I retreated downstairs and closed the loft door.


Half an hour later, I conducted an in depth reconnaissance of the loft area, with no sign of said wasp found.

I hope this is not going to become a regular occurrence - for a start I don't know where they are getting in, and I'm left wondering if my second uninvited visitor was actually the same wasp as the first one that I gracefully released... do they return to the same place???

Anyway, I include a few new pics of the layout - being of small size it is becoming increasingly difficult to find new viewpoints.


SIGTECH (Steve).

Attached thumbnail(s)
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