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Blog- Semi Fast's Blog - #1 Ratio 573 LMS 3 Plank Open Wagon

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My first proper kit build! Ratio LMS 3 Plank wagon.<br /><br /><br /><br />I managed to make quite a dog's breakfast of building this, but it seems to have turned out OK.<br /><br />What have I learned?<ul class='bbc'><li>I now know how to use the dispenser on the poly cement to just get a drop at a time</li><li>I need to dry fit the ends & sides to the floor& check if any length adjustments are required - next time I'll try putting the floor flat on my glass sheet and using blu-tac on the outside of the corners to hold it together</li><li>My small engineer's square was a top buy</li><li>Injection moulded plastic rapidly disappears when filed</li><li>I must buy some filler</li><li>I now understand why people buy replacement metal buffers</li><li>Brake gear is delicate</li></ul>Working out the correct placing for the solebars and the sides was, for some reason, challenging - I think this was just beginner's stupidity as with hindsight it was all perfectly obvious. Luckily, I was able to 'unstick' my mistakes and re-fix with only a few glue marks.<br /><br />I will be painting in the early LMS livery. Getting to a transfer-ready state will be my next challenge, then decorating and weathering.<div id='attach_wrap' class='rounded clearfix'>

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