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Can I make a SLSTP into a SLC?

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Is it possible to make a SLC sleeper carriage from the Bachmann SLSTP by simply adding a first class yellow stripe half way along the coach and adding a '1' to the end door?


I know there's an issue with the ducting on these coaches but I'm not really sure what this issue is and if it will affect my plan?


The livery is blue and grey.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi there,


BR Mark 1 carriage book gives them as 'Externally the same - the difference being the number of berths per compartment'.


I remember seeing something about this in the past versions of RMWeb but cannot remember who it was from?


Have you tried a Forum Search?




Edit - Found my reference for this...




Not on RMWeb - but still has the info needed!

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  • 6 months later...

Hopefully these photos answer your question.


The SLSTP is cheaper than the SLF at Hattons at the moment so as the roof is wrong whichever model you buy I chose some SLSTP coaches to change.


The long roof vent is reduced in length, the off cut is 9mm long so probably 10mm reduction in total. One ridged roof vent removed (see the other threads for details). Yellow stripe and transfers added. Three of my four SLCs are Metro-Cammell ones so the straight rainstrips were removed and curved ones from microstrip added.


Sorry about the yellow effect on the photos, my new flourescent light in the kitchen is not white like the old one.





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