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Which OO Manufacturer is the Best

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May I ask the members of this site for their opinions as to who is the best manufacturer of OO Scale Model Diesel Locomotives, I would like to build a layout based on the period say 1970 thru to 1990, so that gives me a nice window to work with, Scale & Detail are the most important I know nothing about DCC as the last layout I built was the old system, what ever that was called, I used to have a collection of Lima Loco's and was happy with the way they ran, but from what I've been told they are not as good as they used to be, is that because they've failed to keep up with modern technology trends ? The Class of Loco's I like are Class 25. 26. 31. 33. 35. 37. then 47. 56. 60. 66. 73. thats the sort of Class group I'm looking at, I'm on a very tight budget as we are a single wage house hold, my wife has given her approval but we cannot afford to make mistakes due to me not working, I live in Slip End near Caddington in Bedfordshire and was surprised to find that there are no local "Model Train Stores" so most of the Loco's will be bought via the internet, so I'm hoping to get it right first time so to speak! 


I updated my post as I realised that I had been a little vague and I've appreciated the answers I have so far received 


A Big Thank You, to all the members who took the time out to make suggestions & informed me of Lima's demise, I really appreciated all your advise

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As Mickey said, what do you want a model of? Anything from Hornby, Bachmann or Heljan will work fine and, if you buy new from a reputable retailer, you will get support if a fault develops, as it can with anything.

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  • RMweb Gold

 I live near Caddington in Bedfordshire ! 

You're trying to say ....Luton...aren't you... :sarcastichand: I wouldn't want to admit it either.


Re- what locos/manufacturer, whats your interest ? Western Hydraulics....Deltics....or some of those namby pamby Sulzers ?


Narrow down your likes and wants a bit and see what peoples experiences are.

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As others are suggesting, the best is the one that makes the model you want.  There are a few models where more than one manufacturer has made a model, and in those cases it is worth asking if the X version of whatever is better than the y version.  But mainly if you want a particular loco, or coach of often wagon, you choice is down to one producer.


The good news is that if you buy (for example) a Hornby locomotive today, it does not stop you buying a Bachmann or Dapol or Heljan one in a few months time and running them side by side.  The same with rolling stock, and Bachmann coaches (again for example) will run behind a Dapol locomotive etc..

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You're trying to say ....Luton...aren't you... :sarcastichand: I wouldn't want to admit it either.


Re- what locos/manufacturer, whats your interest ? Western Hydraulics....Deltics....or some of those namby pamby Sulzers ?


Narrow down your likes and wants a bit and see what peoples experiences are.

I live in "Slip End" So I cannot imagine the replies I would get from That! 

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  • RMweb Gold

I live in "Slip End" So I cannot imagine the replies I would get from That! 

I'm not going to say a word....honest guv....


Your question -  if you take your avatar as an example, for the Hymek (superb loco) for me it is the Heljan example, on Sandy before I took up the Peco track the one I have could romp around with 7-8 Bachmann MK1's with ease, very good runner at slow speed, on Ebay they can be picked up for about £50, the alternative is the Hornby which is an old model now and much cruder in comparison, you can find good examples for a tenner and with a bit of detailing and cleaning up can be be made into pretty decent models, motor is not to the same standard as the Heljan but with a bit of cleaning and lube and extra pickups they can be made to perform ok.

If you are coming back into the hobby I'd be tempted to pick up both versions( cash permitting) then you can see the differences in age and spec, enjoy some decent running but also hone some skills without worrying about getting something wrong on a £50 loco.

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For the class 25, I wholeheartedly recommend the Bachmann model. I've got one and it's the sweetest-running loco I own. 8-wheel flywheel drive, with 8-wheel pick-up. That and the fact that most of the body is full of metal means we had it going around Newcastleton (the Edinburgh and Lothians MRC's OO gauge roundy-roundy) with 18 coaches on, then with 52 wagons and a brake van with no sign of slipping. We've not yet been able to build a train long enough to stop it. 8-wheel flywheel drive, with 8-wheel pick-up. Glides over dirty track as if it's been freshly cleaned. 

They can often be picked up second-hand for sub-£50 from my favourite auction site too, which is a bonus.
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/YdfbbIQ6UxvFjrq1zGVEoNMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink is a link to a video of the long freight.

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Class 25. 26. 31. 33. 35. 37. then 47. 56. 60. 66. 73.

You are in luck, decent models with the centre motor drive for all of these but the 73. Bachmann for the 25/37/47/66, Heljan for the 26/33/35, Hornby for the 31/56/60/73. The only one I have an argument with is the Hornby 31, incorrect cab side window position, looks all wrong. They still offer the Lima body on a (better design) motor bogie chassis; cheaper as it is in the 'Railroad' section of their range and better appearance!


You have what counts as a local model shop these days, K.S Models in old Stevenage; barely half a dozen miles as the Easyjet flies. The real thing, good RTR stocks (manufacturer's supply permitting) , kits, parts and s/h, wide choice of tools, materials, and paint,  advice and expertise from the sage old hand who owns it and his assistants. (No connection other than as a long term happy customer.)

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I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the RMweb members for their contributions I've enjoyed reading all your post's and I'm now better informed 

Its a shame that Lima no longer exist but I now know the Loco's I want and the manufactures of them

Many Thanks


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