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Hello From Johannesburg


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Good Morning Chaps from a sunny but chilly Joburg.


My name is Steve, I live in Jo'burg but I am originally from Nuneaton.


I've been collecting(read- hoarding), goodies for the 'layout in my head' for the last 20 years, and after one failed attempt, I've decided to begin afresh :)

Strangely though, I dont seem to have the room for the 'sacred layout' just yet, so im going to be building a shelf layout around my modelling room instead.


Im a big fan of the old blue and yellow stuff, especially the big Class 40 & 55's, and the old HST's.

Having said that, Im kind of leaning towards a preservation line running alongside a mainline with mainly DMU's running and the odd HST whizzing through...

Im a firm believer that the scenics of a layout are just as(if not more so) important as the go roundy bits, and I intend devouting alot of time to the scenery.



Very much looking forward to meeting and interacting with the chaps on here.





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  • RMweb Gold

Welocme on board Steve


Like the sound of your plans & look forwards to seeing progress


Your era is a few years later than ours but still on I remember very well


Theres a wealth of knowledge and advice to be found on here no doubt


Kind regards



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Hi Jeff, there are a lot of expats here, all with the same problems trying to build/play with British railways.  Mostly OO (serious modellers!) but a couple oddballs like me have tinplate stuff.  All good fun!



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