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Sneaky BT Price Increase


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While BT today reported an increase in annual profits they are sneaking through an increase for those, like me, that take advantage of their Line Rental Saver Offer. This is where you pay up front and get 12 months line rental for the price of 10, currently £169.90, which it has been since the beginning of December last year.


I had an email yesterday (6th) reminding me that my renewal was due near the end of the month, to quote


"Line Rental Saver costs £169.90 for 12 months of Standard Line Rental. For orders placed from 9th May the cost will be £183.48."


Why the increase in 3 days time ?


Searched the BT website, internet, etc, no mention of an increase, so rang BT today. Nice British lady answered. "Oh yes, they had been informed only yesterday about the increase. From May 10th the Offer was changing to only a 10% discount."


I explained that as a pensioner I had budgeted for paying the Line Rental nearer the end of the month as normal, but I could not find the money in the next 2 days and it was a bit short notice and there had been no publicity. She immediately said that if I paid by my renewal date they would deduct the £13.58 increase and made a note as such on my account.


Result, but I get the feeling that someone at BT knows they are out of order, but they are only making amends if you grumble.


Brian G.

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Why the increase …


Simple - because customers only buying line rental from BT are subsidising their BT Sport and Broadband products for other customers.


I wonder how many people realise that you can rent lines from other companies than BT? My line rental is £13 on a monthly contract (see http://www.aquiss.net/phone_line_rental.php) Still far too much for the lease and maintenance of 1/2 mile of Aluminium cable but companies are restricted by BT's wholesale pricing. Ofcom really needs to take a look at this …

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If only mobile technology existed....everytime more of the spectrum was sold off mobile companies shouted from the hilltops that each of these new technologies - 3G, 4G would make fixed line broadband redundant. Hmmm, well that hasn't happened and once again the marketing companies of these mobile providers are bleating on about 4.5G and 5G bring ultrafast wireless broadband mobile.


I only have a BT fixed land line solely for the use of broadband. I really do not like paying line rental to BT and then a £47pm charge to my mobile provider. Roll on the days of superfast mobile broadband!!

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