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Exeter 2015


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All back safely, unpacked & put away.......


My son & I had a great time,,,,,Really enjoyed the show as exhibitors......

We were made most welcome by all at the club & nothing was too much trouble.......


Thanks to all the Exeter team & to the Punters who seemed an appreciative bunch......


Hope to be asked back one day........


Cheers Bill

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Excellent show , as always from this club. In my opinion the stars were Kingswear and Bath Green Park, both top notch.


I'll pass on the good remarks about Ryan's Mill to Alan (the owner/builder). I operated this at Bognor Regis recently, good fun!

PS it will be at Mendip 2015, but as the tippler is a new feature I'm not sure we have room for this addition.


A really enjoyable time. Thanks very much to Dave and the team.


John P.

(Burnham-on-Sea 2FS)

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What a great show this weekend, some top layouts, was up helping Ray (Hounslow sidings) had a great time.

Also got a real bargain as well a Bachmann 56xx for £15.00 off the club stand, and won a Hornby Horse box in the raffle, best £1.00 ever spent.

This year was one of the best ones i had been to, this show get better each year and was very busy over the weekend, well done to Dave and the crew for such a good weekend, Also has got my modeling mojo back and fired up after three years of doing nothing!.

Must thank Ray for great company over the weekend, Hope i did not wonder off to much!.

Here are a few photo from the show.










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Congratulations to all those involved with the show as I thought it was excellent. I will be adding nothing new when I say that Kingswear and Bath Green Park were exceptional as usual. I also enjoyed seeing the 3mm layout Lakebank which I thought looked a quality piece of work all round.


I really enjoyed the scenic demonstration by Gordon and Maggie Gravett. It was particularly well timed for me as I have just purchased a Green Scene Flock it! static grass applicator and have been thoroughly enjoying myself and now have some new techniques to try.


I managed to pick up some bits and pieces from the trade support and was particularly impressed with the service recieved by the Model Shop, Exeter which I have outlined in Model Shop forum.


Well done again and I look forward to next years show.

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All over for this year.

thank you to everyone who attended in whatever capacity.

Look forward to seeing some new and older acquaintances next year.

Some changes are possibly in the offing.

Will keep you posted.


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